Mobile - tablet setup

Setting up your mobile devices with PrivateRelay

Whether you are using an iPad, an Android telephone or Windows RT / mobile, each of these devices can be linked securely to your account.

Setting up your device could not be easier!

Configuration is determined by the type of device used. In simple terms however, the setup should be done by using what is known as ‘Exchange’. This will then automatically configure each of the features included with your PrivateRelay account.

Basic steps:

  1. Create a new account on your device and choose Exchange as the type of account.
  2. Then enter your Email and Password.
  3. Your device should then ask for additional information as follows:
    Server name:
    Domain: <leave empty>
    User name: Your email, eg:
    Password: Your email password on PrivateRelay
  4. Once complete your device should connect and show the features that are linked to your account.
  5. Synchronisation should now happen automatically and your device linked to your account. ‘PUSH’ email and alerts will also now have been configured.

The creation of your account will have been made using our encrypted SSL connections, and data passing between your device and the servers now fully secure.

Setting up an ‘Exchange’ account is one of the most standard methods of creating an account on a device. There are therefore a number of articles which give more detailed information for specific platforms below:

Apple iOS for iPhone and iPad
Android on smart phones and tablets
Windows Phone
Windows RT and 8 Mail

If you still have problems then please submit a support request. Provide as much information as you can on the problem you have, steps you made to setup your account, and the error messages.

Self-signed - PrivateRelay certificates

Though not required for most users, we also offer the possibility to use PrivateRelay self-signed certificates. More information on this option is available on our Self-signed certificates page.



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